Tuesday, May 27, 2008

TWD: Sticky Buns

This weeks challenge, I will call it, was a failure, to but it lightly. So far I have not been impressed by Dorie, hopefully that will change soon. For this challenge you are suppose to make a Brioche bread dough, which I did. I didnt want to make more then I needed so I halved the recipe like it said to. Maybe that is where I went wrong, but I am not sure. When I made it the night before it seemed alright. More butter then I would ever put into a bread but I thought hey I love butter this will taste great. Then today I make the gooey part and that turned out alright too. I thought wow this will come out amazing. Wow was I wrong. Maybe it was the paper I used or I did something wrong with the glaze or the bread. The dough did not roll out to 15 rolls like said. I got 9. I also don't think I added enough cinnamon for the filling, that was my fault. This turned out a disaster, when I baked it it looked great then when it came time to plate it, the stuff would not come off of the parchment paper I used. It was stuck on there, and wasted my pecans which I paid so much for. I didn't even want to take a picture of the end result I got, the words I used to describe it as I was sobbing in dissapointment was "hot mess"
I guess you can't win them all.

Sticky Buns Recipe


mimi said...

i am not a huge fan of dorie, even though i try her out every week. sorry to hear your sticky buns didn't come out! hopefully you'll have better luck with the recipe next week!

Rebecca of "Ezra Pound Cake" said...

Oh, that sucks! I hate it when I feel like I've wasted ingredients. Better luck next week!


marae said...

awww i'm sorry your buns didn't come out...did you at least eat the yummy sticky mess? i would imagine it at least tasted good...i would have gotten a fork and dug in! hehee.

Engineer Baker said...

So sad that it didn't work out! Hopefully next week will be better?

Lauren said...

Don't give up. Next time it will work

Bumblebutton said...

Oh, that's awful! If you ever try it again I used 'non-stick' foil to line my pan, and they slid right out. So sorry they didn't come out!

Gabi said...

Oh *hug* I am so sorry - I have completely had days like that when all I want to do is poke my head back under the bedclothes and cry!
Chalk it up to everyone has to have an occasional failure to highlight the successes.

LyB said...

That really is a shame, I really hope next week is better for you!